Louis Giglio reminded us of an important truth at the Exponential conference in Orlando, Florida yesterday. Before I go down to the hotel lobby to eat some breakfast, I thought I would share his points.
Bascially, Louis asked "Where does our power come from as church planters? What should we do as church planters?"
His answers were simple, but spelled out in profound ways. Our foundations, as church leaders, are these three simple things:
1. The teachings of Jesus
2. The resurrection of Jesus
3. The power of the Holy Spirit.
Giglio went on to make a few interesting point son each topic.
1. It is not about preaching well so that people compliment us. Preaching is simply about helping people to hear the word of God and doing that well.
2. In evangelicalism, we need to talk more about the resurrection, because it is the hope of the world.
3. We need to appreciate the power of the Holy Spirit. Think about it, have you ever called the Spirit an "it" instead of a "him." If we call the Spirit it, we lose the power of thinking about Him as the Spirit of the Living God.
Passionate preacher, good stuff. Makes me want to continue my journey to be a man of the Word with much more vigor!
Good stuff! Thanks for sharing!