Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Powerful Hymn in Honor of MLK Jr. Sunday

I worshiped this morning with a United Church of Christ congregation that is just around the corner from where I stay while in Minnesota. Portions of the service were in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr as the official holiday for MLK is tomorrow (Jan 17). One of the hymns we sang took up the theme of MLK's life (that was my take at least). The powerful hymn with very rich words about the mission of God, the mission of the church, and the future of creation was titled, Come, Let us Dream. I thought I would share the words with you. Enjoy!

Come, Let Us Dream
Come, let us dream God's dream again
Come, one and all, let us ascend
the mountain top where those of old
saw God's new day on earth unfold.

The lame shall walk, the blind shall see,
the doors swing wide, all prisoners free,
the lowly raised, the proud brought low.
This is God's dream: let justice flow.

When hatred ends and war shall cease,
so all may dwell, in deepest peace,
then be assured the time is near
when perfect love casts out all fear.

But know the cost of claiming sight
of God's new day, of wrongs made right,
for some have paid the highest price,
their lives for us, a sacrifice.

Prophets are scorned in their own lands
and martyrs slain by righteous hands;
Though dreamers die, the dream will live,
for we have yet our lives to give.

(emphasis added)
Words: John Middleton, 2004

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