Tuesday, January 5, 2010

To Heck With Strategy

Sitting here in class, doing some research on missional theology, missional living and contextualized ministry (the three components of my literature review for my action research project), I came across the following quote from Vincent Donovan, missionary to Africa and author of Christianity Rediscovered.

Dear Bishop,
… Suddenly I feel the urgent need to cast aside all theories and discussions, all efforts at strategy, and simply go to these people and do the work among them for which I came to Africa. I would propose cutting myself off from the schools and the hospital and just go and talk to them about God and the Christian message. Outside of this, I have no theory, no plan, no strategy, no gimmick, no idea of what will come. I feel rather naked. I will begin as soon as possible … (Vincent J. Donovan)

Makes me wonder, how many Christians, especially church workers and leaders, have felt like this before.  Sometimes, I think, we need to say to heck with strategy, give me the people and let God surprise me. 


  1. It would be great if not only Christian leaders, but Christians in general could embrace a similar mentality.

    Interestingly, in my work at a nonprofit, I see huge problems with the idea of chucking strategy. Among other reasons, it is a very bad way to go about raising money. And this leads to an interesting point -- maybe Christians shouldn't be operating like non-profits, shouldn't be trying to "raise money" and shouldn't be dependent on money for operation.

  2. Certainly wouldn't advocate always getting rid of strategy or never developing one - not for the church and not for any organization. Just trying to say sometimes, we need to be open to letting God surprising us. This often happens when we choose to abandon our systems and strategies for a time and instead focus intensely on doing whatever is necessary to just be with and love people. Good balance, though. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I think Donovan is indirectly saying that all planning without action is meaningless. Sometimes I find that too much planning takes God out of the pitcure and faith out of the picture and results in self reliance, or strategy reliance

    While tehre are many upsides to strategy & planning, there are also dowsides. Anotehr downside I have experienced with detailed plans is relying too heavily on the strategy and focus on carrying it out and I do not really see and interact with hte people around me. The urge has been, like with Donovan to get on with it and meet the peopel and see where God takes it. I have not succeeded where I have tried to take it. I tend to be self reliant so this is an issue that snares me at times.

    Thanks for the provoking thoughts.
